Software Solutions Web-based solutions for sharing information in community collaborations.
Multi-Share Health Coverage Building community based health coverage plans based on the multi-share concept pioneered in Muskegon Michigan through its Access Health program.
CHV Family and Friends These are the groups we are most closely associated with that have web pages you may find helpful.
Phone: 231.799.1806
[email protected]

About Us
Community Health Ventures was created in 2000 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Muskegon Community Health Project, located in Muskegon, Michigan on the shores of Lake Michigan. The Health Project itself was brought into existence through a grant from the W.K Kellogg Foundation with the mandate to develop a sustainable program to survive the grant period. For the past decade, the Health Project has become an incubator for collaborative solutions to meet the needs of at-risk populations. CHV was created in this context as the for-profit business that would provide to other communities the products and consulting services that proved to be successful in Muskegon. All the profits of CHV are returned to sustain the continued success of the Health Project. The CHV services and products have included community-based health plans, mentoring programs, out reach programs, software applications, and assistance to other communities in the development of public health policy and legislation. Community Health Ventures has steadily been in the vanguard of change as community based solutions have become the wave of the future in addressing the needs of at-risk populations.